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深圳文青一日遊 | Day Trip to Shenzhen

啱啱過左既復活節過得好充實 特登放假第一日去深圳 避免太多人 但係都無分別 今次介紹下去左邊~~

How did you spend your Easter? Easter is the perfect day to cherish time with family and friends. Definitely had a great time in Shenzhen.

Where to go? 去邊度先?

第一站:深業上城 2018 新蒲點 Upper Hills

今年月頭開既大型商場 有少少似外國既outlet 成300幾間鋪頭 不過因為太新 只有少量店鋪開(見到有大牌子gap,zara,pull&bear etc) 主要都食野為主 地方都幾大 可能年中黎會更多野睇 不過餐廳大部分下午時段(2pm-5pm)都會休息 所以要食飯就要趁早黎



前往方法:地鐵3號線蓮花村站,步行約15分鐘 或者係皇崗搭的士大約$20 

What to eat/drink? 

1. Hey Tea 喜茶 

芝士金鳳茶王💲23 配芋丸 💲3 再加新出既芝芝黑提💲33 飲完真係回味無窮 This is a must try drink whenever I visit Shenzhen, you can pick the the thickness of the cheese foam, either light or heavy. The Fragrant Golden Phoenix Tea is topped with creamy cheese foam made with Meiji milk & New Zealand Cheese. It was just too good to be true.

地址:深圳市福田區皇崗路5001號深業上城南區一期三樓T3078號舖 營業時間:10am-10pm

2. Ole精品超市

剛好一入去超市最當眼就見到呢檔賣澳洲和牛 買完總可以要求即燒 叫左超抵食既澳洲穀飼牛扒套餐$148(西冷一片+眼肉一片+2份沙拉)肉質其實有少少un🙊  不過呢個價錢就真係唔可以投訴啦 係咪先?意外地沙拉好新鮮! Reasonbly priced for this AUS Gf Beef Steak Combo (rib eye + striploin+2 salad), but it wasn't as tender as expected, well you can't complain about this, salad is super fresh!


第二站:當代藝術博物館與城市規劃展覽館 Museum of Contemporary Art & Planning Exhibition

一心好期待去呢個深圳新標誌性之一既中心 點知閉館 好失望呀 要到四月中先恢復正常 唯有係出面影下相 It is one of the iconic museums in Shenzhen, I was so disappointed that they were closed temporary until mid of April. 





第三站: 深圳大學

本人其實除左影食物 都好鍾意影文青相 今次特登山長水遠搭的士去深大秘密打卡 專登去影白色建築 真係幾特別 同埋我做左好耐research先知原來係度 唔係好多人知架! Went to a photogenic spot in Shenzhen University, I always love to take candid pictures. 

 地址: 深圳市南山區南海大道3688號  (深圳大學站)


第四站: 萬象天地 The Mixc Of Shenzhen City Crossing

想搵附近休息下 就搭左一個站 高新園站既萬象天地 集合曬吃喝玩樂元素 比較高檔既商場 真係超大 大到行唔曬 It's relatively more high class shopping centre in that area with a lot of cool restaurants and shops


1. 奈雪の茶 Nai Xue Cha

影完相實在太口渴 於是決定去麵包控最愛既奈雪の茶試下佢地既奶蓋同水果茶 反而今次無買麵包 點左霸氣金鑽百香$28 x 芝士阿里山初露 $23 睇完d名都唔知自己點左d咩 不過芝士無喜茶咁濃郁 比較淡 我就好鍾意我杯百香果 有粒粒菠蘿 非常咬口 不過少少偏甜 Very thirsty after intense photo shooting :P, tried their Supreme Pineapple Passion Fruit as well as Cheese All Mountain Dew. I was quite confused about the name too haha. The cheese foam is slightly lighter than Hey Tea, instead I love the fruit tea more. 

地址: 深南大道9668號萬象天地NL115

營業時間: 周一至周四,周日 10:00-23:00 周五,周六 10:00-00:00

2. Charles & Keith

題外話 竟然搵到最愛既新加坡牌子 設計簡單得黎顯高貴 價錢都十分合理 已經推薦比好多朋友 心動💓買左對黑色尖頭鞋 Accidently found my favourite Singaporean brand, the design of the bags and shoes are very elegant and the price is very reasonable. Just bought a pair of classy pointed flats $318.


3. 黑旨燒肉 Kurouma Yakiniku 

夜晚食飯去到邊都要排隊等位 決定試下呢間日式和風燒肉 最特別既係原汁原味用炭火直燒 總要有專人幫你燒埋 要幾成熟都可以做到(我地要7成熟) 非常好專業 服務一流 肉質都比較精緻 不油膩 叫左汁煮和牛蓋飯$98 x 特選拼盤 $138(牛舌,牛小排,帶骨牛小排) x 香草烤豬頸肉$48 x 冬菇 Basically you have to queue everywhere, so we decided to try this Yakiniku for dinner, note that they actually use real charcoal to fire up the grill, indeed provide a wonderful, smoky flavor. Overall, it was a pretty good dinning experience. 



Featured Outfits:  Top: Mark & Spencer Bottom: Uniqolo Super Stretch Jeans Shoes: Cole Haan White Sneakers Earrings: Taobao 


Thanks bae for taking me around & take pics of me  Last but not least, thank you for your continued support <3 多謝大家一直以來既支持 有興趣可以去以下既links

For more info, you can click to any websites that you are interested. Feel free to like & follow, till next time xoxo

Instagram: skeatravelife

Openrice (lv4): skeatravelife 

大眾點評: skeatravelife Facebook Page: SK Food & Lifestyle

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